Analyse Steeplechase - Reisverslag uit Hardenberg, Nederland van Gert Siekmans - Analyse Steeplechase - Reisverslag uit Hardenberg, Nederland van Gert Siekmans -

Analyse Steeplechase

Door: Gert

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Gert

24 November 2009 | Nederland, Hardenberg

Op de site van de USDAA verscheen een analyse van mijn steeplechase. Hierbij de volledige tekst:

Many handlers started this course running with their dogs rather than with a lead out. Some of these handlers really revved up their dogs at the start line, even turning in circles with them to make their dogs even more excited. This was quite effective in making their dogs go pelting off, and also helped the audience really get into it. It was fun to watch!

The first real challenge was from the #3 weaves to the #4/15 tunnel. Jump #8 was very inviting for dogs. This was particularly a problem for some of the handlers that chose to push their dogs into the tunnel (with the dog on the handler's left) instead handling from the other side of the weaves and pulling their dogs into the tunnel and then crossing behind. The latter seemed to be the most effective move for this segment.

The following section was a really fun-looking figure of eight through the #4/15 tunnel over a jump in the center and through another tunnel. Surprisingly, many people sent their dogs off course here. Dogs continued after the jump to the end of the #6 tunnel farthest from the A-frame, instead of the entrance closest to the A-frame as they were supposed to have done. After that tunnel, the course continued back over the previous jump to jump #8 (which lured some dogs off course earlier). However, this time instead of the jump being a distraction, the #4/15 tunnel was.

Closely following that trouble spot was a heartbreaking area. So many people rushed too much, trying to cut the corner to get ahead of their dog, and ended up pulling their dog off of the chute. There were no faults for this, but it was a severe waste of time. When each placement is separated by under a second, even a wide turn will made a difference. Those handlers whose dogs missed the chute just continued to have fun in the spotlight with their best friend.

The #17 A-frame led to a tricky line through three more jumps to the finish line. These jumps were placed at crazy angles to each other, which meant handlers had to be creative in order to get their dogs through. One of the most effective methods was a front cross at the bottom of the A-frame, sending the dog over the #18 jump, pulling him over the #19 jump, crossing behind on the flat and pulling the dog over the third and final jump.

Everyone at home should practice parts of this course. It was not only difficult, it actually seemed really fun! The crowd enjoyed watching dogs run this course, and the handlers and dogs seemed to enjoy running it too. The lucky eight winning dogs really adored getting to run loose on their victory laps!

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Verslag uit: Nederland, Hardenberg

Editie 2009

To be a judge on the World Cynosport Games in Phoenix Arizona

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Na 9 jaar nationaal scheidsrechter behendigheid te zijn geweest bij de Federatie Hondensport Nederland (FHN) heb ik de eer gehad te mogen fluiten op het World Agility Championship (Wereldkampioenschap behendigheid) van de IFCS (International Federation of Cynoloque Sports) in mei 2006. 10 Landen (waaronder Japan, Rusland en Zuid-Afrika)waren aanwezig bij dit evenement in Oosterhout (nl). Tijdens dit evenement ben ik door Kenneth Tatsch (president USDAA en vice-president IFCS) uitgenodigd om te komen keuren op de World Cynosport Games 2006, een groot vijfdaags evenement met verschillende vormen van hondensport waaronder maar liefst zes ringen behendigheid. Dit evenement werd van 1 t/m 5 november 2006 gehouden in Scottsdale (Phoenix, Arizona). Voor de World Cynosport Games in 2007 heb ik later van de USDAA ook een uitnodiging mogen ontvangen (en uiteraard geaccepteerd). Op deze weblog staan eveneens nieuwtjes, ervaringen, foto's etc. van deze reis. Marijke is dit jaar met mij meegereisd. Voor de editie 2009 heeft de USDAA mij wederom uitgenodigd. The World Cynosport Games van 2009 worden vanwege de hitte in Arizona verplaatst naar midden november (11 t/m 15 november). Ik kijk er weer erg naar uit. Ook nu weer gaat Marijke mee. Groeten, Gert Siekmans

Actief sinds 30 Nov. -0001
Verslag gelezen: 4097
Totaal aantal bezoekers 51573

Voorgaande reizen:

09 November 2009 - 16 November 2009

Editie 2009

01 Oktober 2007 - 01 December 2007

Editie 2007

31 Oktober 2006 - 07 November 2007

Editie 2006

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